Facilities And Equipment of Basketball

5 min readFeb 20, 2017


You may know the history of Basketball. You might play this sport like a pro. But, do you know what I’m now going to tell you? Did you ever seen a pro basketball player who is physically unfit? Yes, it is impossible to have extra fat in your body if you regularly play basketball. Playing basketball has lots of health facilities. You also will need a few equipment to play this sport. Let’s see the details now.

Equipment of Playing Basketball:

Before knowing the facilities, it is better to have the idea of the necessary equipment which will lead you to play this amazing sport. Can you imagine that you’ll play a game without any equipment? Witches can do this, but, we need a few equipment to play basketball and the most important equipment is a basketball goal system.

There are 3 types of goal system out there in the market. Portable goal system, Wallmount goal system and in ground goal system. If you want to get facility from playing basketball, then you have to have an in ground goal system. Wall mount hoops also will do, but portable one will do nothing.

Portable goal systems are mainly suitable for the kids. Basketball is a play where you’ve to dunk the ball through the rim set in the hoop. If you want to build your own basketball system then you have to make a backboard, a rim, a net and a pole. But, if you buy a complete goal system, then all those will come into a single box and you just have to install your hoop. Here is how to install a basketball hoop:

In a complete basketball hoop, you’ll get a net, a rim, a backboard and a pole to set the goal height. The height of a quality basketball hoop should be adjustable so that, your kids also can play with that hoop just adjust the goal height according to their comfort level. You must need a ball and if you like to ensure the safety then, you should use pole pad, knee pad and a pair of shoes.

The most important equipment is of course a team because, basketball is a team sports. But, don’t worry. If you have a quality basketball hoop in your backyard then never you’ll feel the scarcity of the a team. A standard goal system will attract your neighbors to play with you. Oh, sorry. I’ve forget to tell you that you also have to have a backyard or driveway to set your basketball goal hoop. These are the primary things you’ll need to play basketball. But you’ll need some more items if you like to add an official dimension to your afternoon match. So, let’s see the full list at a glance:

Basketball Court


Basketball Hoop





Game Clock

Protective Gears and


If you don’t wanna be a pro basketball player, if you don’t like to make money from playing basketball, if you also don’t want to build a better college basketball team, then you don’t have to have all the above things. So, don’t worry. A basketball hoop and a ball will satisfy you if you just want to get the facilities below from playing basketball.

Facilities of Playing Basketball:

Hundreds of benefits, no, no, thousands of facilities you’ll get from playing basketball. Did you ever seen someone who doesn’t love his/her body? Don’t you really want to achieve a great shape? Don’t you like to enjoy your afternoon with your friends?

No need to write down the answers of those questions. As a human being, we love company, we need to refresh our body and mind. Playing a challenging sports is always refreshing. If you play basketball only for 45 to 60 minutes in the afternoon, your mood will be improved.

Playing basketball is very effective to improve mental health.Suppose, you’ve played basketball yesterday and you’ve been defeated by your friends. Now, you’re thinking that you’ve to win tomorrow. If this really happen to you, then your brain will stay far away from any immoral or unethical thinking. This way, basketball will take care of your mentality.

Sometimes, we love to be surprised. If you play basketball, if you love this sport and someday if your mom buy your desired basketball hoop for you, won’t you be surprised? You even can make your best friend happy by sending a ball as a gift. That is how basketball keeps the relation warm.

But, the most precious gift from playing basketball, you’ll get is a great shape. Basketball will help you to achieve a great shape. A lots of people start going to the gym with a view to achieving a great shape. But, after a few weeks, they become reluctant to go to the gym. If you aren’t a professional bodybuilder, then there’s nothing for you in the gym.

Yes, you have to achieve a great shape, you have to maintain a good physical form. But, workout in the gym won’t satisfy you. Because, you start going to the gym with a view to burning your fat. Just to burn some fat, you’re going to the gym. But, after 4 or 5 weeks, you see no improvement in your weight, then you become hopeless and leave the gym. And you start thinking that burning fat is impossible. Gym is only for the fittest person.

This is the ugly truth of the common man who want to burn fat. But, uncommonly, if you start playing basketball, from the very first day, you’ll get pleasure. From the very first minute, you’ll start being excited to make big points. You completely will forget that you have to burn your fat. As a result, you won’t measure your weight daily.

This way, if you play this sport for 2 or 3 weeks, (and surely you’ll play, because playing basketball is very enjoyable), suddenly, after that period of time, you’ll notice that your weight have been improved. You fat has been burned out. Then you’ll start loving basketball and within the next 3 to 6 months, you’ll be able to achieve your dream figure.

Hard to trust me? Okay, did you ever seen a professional basketball player with ugly belly fat? If you practice the same thing, then also don’t have any fat into your belly. This is the reality. To play basketball, you need to jump high, you need to run short, you’ve to chase your opponents. That is how, playing basketball burn your fat and give you a great shape. These are the most prominent facilities of playing basketball.

If this sounds good to you, and if your pocket is empty to buy the equipment needed to play basketball, then write a letter to our Dearest Trump asking his favorite basketball hoop. Maybe you’ll get a gift card from him to buy your desired basketball hoop. However, have fun and enjoy your afternoon.




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